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All posts while in Zanzibar.

Good Italian food

Since one of the trucks was out of commission with a broken clutch, we could only get one car for Wednesday. Tanya and I decided to go to the office while Jaclyn and Hai went with Makame to hold our last community meeting and to map a few cases in the area. It was a … Continue reading »

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South African Consultants

On Tuesday we had two cars going into the field again, one going to Uzi at 7:30 and the other going to Tunguu at 8:30 am. On Sunday night we agreed that I’d go to Tunguu and that Jaclyn would go to Uzi and Hai would go with one of us. After she learned on … Continue reading »

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Uzi again

Now that we have four students to map malaria cases, we’re trying to be more productive by having two cars go out into the field every day. I’ve already talked about how useless it is to have more than one mzungu in the car so I volunteered to go to Uzi with Makame to map … Continue reading »

Categories: Zanzibar | 1 Comment

Kendwa again

I slept in until 7 am on Sunday, after my late night. That’s the latest I’ve slept in here since the sun comes up at 6:15 am. I am very glad that I can sleep through the call to prayer now and Tanya is very jealous of that. It’s a good thing my mom isn’t … Continue reading »

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Dance Party!

The final student in our group, Hai, arrived on Saturday morning and since I was the only one dressed at 9 am, I went to the airport with the taxi driver to get him. Jaclyn was still sick so she spent most of the day in her room and Tanya left just after we got … Continue reading »

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Sick day

On Friday Jaclyn was still feeling sick so Tanya and I went to the office to plan for next week while Jaclyn stayed home to rest. We were getting a lot done in the morning when I suddenly started to feel very ill. I felt like I was going to throw up and even spent … Continue reading »

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maliza malaria Zanzibar

I haven’t been running all week and I told myself that I would go this morning but I just didn’t have the energy at 6:30 and we had a conference call at 7:30 am with San Francisco so I ended up lying in bed for a few extra minutes. It was rather nice. We talked … Continue reading »

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Mvua kubwa

I was startled awake early Wednesday morning by the heaviest rain I had ever heard. It sounded like the roof was going to cave in with the force of the rain. Mvua kubwa—big rain! It rained really hard for several hours and only lessened around 7 am. I was worried that we would have to … Continue reading »

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Another office day

We learned from our experiences on Monday that we really didn’t need more than one student in the field at a time so we sent Jaclyn out on Tuesday while Tanya and I went to the office to plan for next week. It’s a good thing that we both went because we spent nearly the … Continue reading »

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A few weeks ago there was a large outbreak of malaria cases in the Uzi district, which is in the southern part of Zanzibar. Uzi is really interesting because it becomes an island during high tide when the water submerses the coral road, so you have to plan your trips there carefully or you will … Continue reading »

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Safari Blue!

Paulo and some of his friends were going on an all day boat and snorkeling trip called Safari Blue on Sunday and he invited us along. Tanya and I decided to go and Jaclyn passed so she could go to church in the morning. Paulo picked us up at 8:45 and we drove to the … Continue reading »

Categories: Zanzibar | 1 Comment


Our plan for Saturday was to go to the northwest part of the island to a place called Kendwa because there you can swim all day without having to worry about the tide. I went running in the morning then did my laundry and was getting ready to go when Tanya said that Jaclyn wasn’t … Continue reading »

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Friday is not a short day

It’s difficult to do work that involves talking to people on Fridays because afternoon prayers are extra long and all of the men go to the mosque for 2-3 hours. We didn’t have too much to do on Friday and didn’t have any food at home for lunch so we decided to go to the … Continue reading »

Categories: Zanzibar | 3 Comments

Swimming after a tiring day

Somehow I have become the unofficial breakfast maker. It started when Edmund was here and we didn’t have enough granola so I made pancakes one day. And since then I’ve been the first one out of my room in the morning so I’ve just gotten into the habit of making breakfast for everyone. Jaclyn takes … Continue reading »

Categories: Zanzibar | 3 Comments

total lunar eclipse

Tanya and I have been keeping a running “to do” list and when we looked at it this morning, we realized the number of pressing things to take care of in the office. Because of that, the two of us decided to bike into work while Jaclyn went into the field by herself. Their previous … Continue reading »

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