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Overwhelming data piles

Posted by on July 7, 2011

The last of the district supervisors were due to bring in the last of the data on Wednesday morning so Tanya and I teamed up for the last big office day while Hai met Bryan at the airport and Jaclyn did the grocery shopping and lunch preparations. We got the last of the data checked in and all of the money sorted by noon. There were over 500 cases of malaria in the past month, just in the parts of the island where we work. That’s kind of scary. The pile of questionnaires that needed to be entered started to topple over so we ended up with three stacks of data, about two feet high each. There’s still a lot of work to do!

When we had done all we could and were really hungry, we biked home and met Bryan and had a good lunch of spaghetti and vegetable sauce with garlic bread. The five of us spent the afternoon at the dining table catching up, informing Bryan of everything we’ve been doing, going over the budget, and organizing the rest of the week since Bryan’s only here until Sunday. We got a good plan set and were even able to schedule a bit of free time in.

In the evening we planned to meet up with two Swedish researchers that work at ZMCP and watch the women’s USA vs. Sweden football (soccer) game. I don’t follow many sports but I was told that the tournament is basically the women’s world cup and that it was a semi-final match. Both teams would advance but the winner would get a better spot in the next round.

It’s a good thing we planned to get dinner out because the power went out at 8:15 pm. It was a scheduled outage so we were expecting it but it’s a bummer just the same. We walked down the road to the local, cheap-but-not-great restaurant and I had the fish curry.

The football game was exciting but Sweden won 2-0, with both goals coming on penalty kicks. We had a lot of good conversation while watching which made the evening very pleasant. The game was played in Germany so for us it didn’t start until 9:30 pm, which means we didn’t get home until nearly midnight. Everyone was pretty tired by that time so we all went to bed.

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